Monday, March 18, 2013

Some changes this way come...

So since my last post in November things in my life have gone a bit ... Haywire. We've had to relocate and fund new jobs all of which has now been accomplished. In the meantime I have not been nearly as lax in my Pinterest endeavors as I have been about writing about them. So I thought I would begin by sharing this latest mind blowing discovery...

Windex really is a miracle cleaner!!!

One if my friends has had a string of misfortunes befall her off white carpet and it was horribly stained. They had gone through all readily available solutions; from Rug Doctor to straight up bleach. They had begun to consider arson when I discovered a possible solution on Pinterest. I told her about this wonderful discovery and after some scoffing from her side and mine we opted to give it a try. So we got the three requirements: cheap WHITE towels, jug of windex and two irons.

The steps were fairly simple spray windex on spot, lay towel on windex covered spot, iron spot using highest cotton setting.                 AND IT WORKS!!! We had to scrub a bit on the stain with the heated windex but it pulled up the grossness!! Who would have thought!!!